SARM Questions

New to SARMs? Here’s a bunch of info to help you out.

General SARM Info

The word SARM stands for “Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator,” and just like the other selective receptor modulators, SARMs can either block, or stimulate, the same nuclear hormone receptors under different conditions. Consequently, if it can block or stimulate a receptor in a tissue selective manner, it may be able to mimic the beneficial effects in one tissue, and, at the same time, minimize the unwanted effects of the synthetic steroidal hormones in other tissues. Since SARMs are a class of androgens (a specific class of hormones that serve as ligands), they can bind to cellular androgen receptors. As a result, the androgen receptors will trigger a complex signal transduction pathway that will lead to a greater expression of specific genes.

In fact, anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) and prohormones also bind to the androgen receptors, resulting in muscle growth. However, SARMs possess full anabolic activity in muscle and bone, yet they have a minimal effect on the prostate as opposed to AAS, which can be very harmful to this gland. As an additional advantage, SARMs are orally available and require no injections. In spite of being oral compounds, SARMs are not methylated, so they are not liver toxic.

Due to the fact that SARMs are very specific to the androgen receptors, they can be extremely useful for safe muscle building research. All in all, SARMs have an abundance of qualities; they are highly beneficial to bones, muscle tissues, and sexual function without the conversion of androgens into estrogens seen with steroids or prohormones.

Please note: Our products are not for human consumption. They are for research use only. Please refer to our Disclaimer for more information.

Steroids are generally prescribed by medical practitioners for two common reasons. The first, to treat muscle wasting diseases, which usually take place with such conditions as cancer and osteoporosis. The other scenario takes place when steroids are prescribed for Hormonal or Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). However, the main problem with steroids is that they often cause many unwanted effects, and they have pharmokinetic properties that are not desirable.

    Testosterone SARM
Desirable effects Builds muscle
  Promotes bone
  Enhances libido
Undesirable effects Stimulation of prostate cancer  
Administration Oral dosing

Meanwhile, SARMs’ ability to stimulate a receptor in a tissue selective manner allows them to mimic the beneficial effects of androgen activation in muscles, and at the same time, the side effects of natural steroidal hormones can be minimized. In simple terms, SARMS are able to selectively induce muscle growth, helping avoid the unwanted side effects.

Please note: Our products are not for human consumption. They are for research use only. Please refer to our Disclaimer for more information.

As mentioned above, research shows SARMs have steroid like results without the many unwanted side effects that AAS can cause. Here are the side effects of Anabolic Steroids.

  • Potential stimulation of prostate cancer
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Acne
  • Body hair growth
  • Gynecomastia (male breast development)
  • High blood pressure
  • Liver toxicity
  • Left Ventricular Hypertrophy (Heart growth)
  • Permanent suppression of natural testosterone production
  • Water retention
  • Bloating

Thus, current research shows SARMs are a much safer option to steroids because the selective stimulation of the androgen receptors only in bone and muscle tissue will prevent many, if not all, of the side effects listed above.

Please note: Our products are not for human consumption. They are for research use only. Please refer to our Disclaimer for more information.

According to research, benefits may include:

  • Anabolic even at low doses
  • Great for strength
  • Great for lean mass gains
  • Great for body recomposition
  • Great for endurance (aerobic or anaerobic)
  • Joint healing properties
  • Consumed Orally in research applications, no injections needed
  • Similar effects to testosterone (libido, strength gains, fat loss, muscle growth, etc.)
  • No conversion to DHT (dihydrotestosterone – no problems with body hair growth, and hair loss on the head)
  • No conversion to estrogen
  • No liver toxicity that is usually seen with methylated compounds, such as prohormones and oral steroids
  • No inhibition of your HPTA to the large extent of steroids (minimal reduction in LH or FSH)

Please note: Our products are not for human consumption. They are for research use only. Please refer to our Disclaimer for more information.

SARMs can be cycled for any type of goal – cutting, recomposition or bulking. Over the years, SARMs have proven to be extremely versatile and have the capability to achieve any type of goal.

Usually, SARMs cycles tend to range from 8 to 12 weeks. After the cycle completion, a mini post cycle therapy (mini PCT) is all that is needed, as recovery from SARMs is much easier than with anabolic steroids. A small protocol of a herbal PCT across 4 weeks is more than enough. Stenabolic (SR9009) is recommended to be run alongside the PCT for optimal results. In fact, Stenabolic (SR9009) and Nutrobal (MK677) require no PCT at all if ran alone. This is another characteristic that makes SARMs an optimal choice over AAS and PH use.

Please note: Our products are not for human consumption. They are for research use only. Please refer to our Disclaimer for more information

Administration: SARMs are dosed orally

The recommended research dosage is 1ml per SARM in the morning.

The two exceptions to this are

  • SR can be a split dosage of 0.5ml in the morning and 0.5ml in the afternoon as the compound does have a shorter half life. This is recommended for test subjects that train in the afternoon.
  • MK677 is best administered in test subjects at night before bed as it helps promote a deeper sleep and recovery.

Please note: Our products are not for human consumption. They are for research use only. Please refer to our Disclaimer for more information

SARMs are research chemicals. As they are still in their research stage, a complete list of potential side effects is not available.
Here are some potential side effects of SARMs:

  • Hormonal Imbalances: some SARMs can temporarily suppress the body’s natural testosterone production, leading to reduced testosterone levels, which may require post-cycle therapy (PCT) to restore hormone balance. Generally, stopping for 2 weeks at the end of a cycle will be enough to bring hormone levels back to normal.

  • Cardiovascular Issues: SARMs can negatively impact cholesterol levels, potentially lowering HDL (good cholesterol) and raising LDL (bad cholesterol), which may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

  • Potential for Vision Changes: Some SARMs, like Andarine (S4), have been associated with visual side effects, including a yellowish tint in vision and difficulty adjusting to changes in lighting. Research showed this to be temporary and upon stopping usage the vision returned to normal.

  • Suppressed Libido: Hormonal changes induced by SARMs can sometimes lead to a decrease in libido.

While they are considered safer than anabolic steroids, the long-term effects of SARMs are still not fully understood. It is important for researchers to follow regulatory standards and document their dosage, cycle length and PCTs to minimize potential side effects in test subjects.

Please note: Our products are not for human consumption. They are for research use only. Please refer to our Disclaimer for more information

Our Products

We use the highest quality raw powders available with a purity of 99.98%

Please note: Our products are not for human consumption. They are for research use only. Please refer to our Disclaimer for more information.

Each bottle will last a 4 week cycle based on the average dose of 1mL per day. The recommended research time for best results is 8-12 weeks.

Please note: Our products are not for human consumption. They are for research use only. Please refer to our Disclaimer for more information.

No and let’s kill the myth from some other brands…

A lab will test the one sample they receive, that’s it. This means companies can send the lab one bottle that is higher in concentration and quality to do the analysis and use that COA for their whole range, so it defeats the purpose.

We guarantee the research results will speak for themselves with our first order money back guarantee.

Please note: Our products are not for human consumption. They are for research use only. Please refer to our Disclaimer for more information.

SARMs should be stored in a cool, dry place and always ensure the lid is on tightly to prevent spilling and cross contamination.

Please note: Our SARMs are not for human consumption. They are for research use only. Please refer to our Disclaimer for more information.

Our SARMs are not for human consumption. They are for research use only by qualified individuals in laboratories.

Please refer to our Disclaimer for more information.

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