YK11 – Max Pump

  • One of the most advanced SARMs on the market
  • Increases in strength
  • Rapid build up of muscular tissues
  • Induces muscle cells to make more follistatin
  • Functions as an active myostatin inhibitor
  • Safer alternative for testosterone replacement therapies

AUD $145


Max Pump features YK11, a unique selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) that also acts as a potent myostatin inhibitor. YK11 is renowned for its ability to significantly promote muscle growth by allowing muscles to grow beyond their natural genetic limits. By inhibiting myostatin, a protein that restricts muscle growth, YK11 has the potential to enhance muscle size, strength, and overall physical performance. This makes Max Pump the ultimate choice for athletes and bodybuilders aiming for maximum muscle growth and pumps.

What Max Pump (YK11) is Best For
Max Pump is best suited for individuals who are focused on achieving extreme muscle growth and strength. Its myostatin-inhibiting properties allow users to push beyond their genetic muscle-building limits, making it ideal for serious bodybuilders and athletes during intense bulking phases. It is also highly effective for promoting strength and endurance gains, making it versatile for those looking to maximize both size and performance.

Key Uses:

  • Bulking Phases: YK11 is perfect for bulking cycles where the primary goal is to maximize muscle mass and size beyond genetic limitations.
  • Strength Phases: Great for strength-focused training, helping athletes increase their overall power and performance.
  • Recomposition Phases: Can be used during recomposition phases to enhance muscle growth while shedding fat.

Benefits of Max Pump (YK11):

  • Inhibition of Myostatin: YK11’s ability to inhibit myostatin allows for enhanced muscle growth beyond genetic limitations, making it ideal for significant size gains.
  • Increased Muscle Mass: YK11 promotes rapid increases in lean muscle tissue, delivering impressive results in a short period.
  • Strength Gains: Enhances both muscle size and strength, helping athletes lift heavier and perform at their peak.
  • Fat Loss Support: Supports fat loss while building muscle, making it effective for body recomposition.
  • Improved Bone Density: Increases bone strength and density, contributing to long-term physical health and injury prevention.
  • Quick Recovery: YK11 reduces recovery times between workouts, allowing for more frequent and intense training sessions.
  • Promotes Muscle Pumps: YK11 enhances blood flow to muscles during training, creating fuller, more intense muscle pumps.

Why Choose Max Pump?
Max Pump – YK11 is your ultimate tool for pushing your limits and achieving maximum muscle growth and strength. By inhibiting myostatin, YK11 helps you go beyond what your genetics would allow, leading to impressive size and performance gains. Whether you’re looking to bulk up or enhance your strength and endurance, Max Pump is the perfect addition to your supplement routine for delivering fast, visible results with lasting impact.

Packaging: Available in a 10mg/ml solution